AI and Space Services

Applied Artificial Intelligence for space exploration, climate resilience and disaster response

Trillium has over a decade of experience tackling grand challenges with partners like NASA, ESA, the U.S. Department of Energy, British Telecom, and Nike.

We are able to apply a broad community of deep ML space, and science experts to your problem.

Leverage proven solutions backed by academic rigor

Trillium Applied’s AI capabilities blend world-class, PhD-level research depth with the speed and agility of a modern organization. Let’s tackle your biggest problems today, not tomorrow.

Our team of researchers and data scientists hails from the University of Oxford, Imperial College of London, MIT, Stanford, and more.

On-ramp with a rolling start

Trillium has built and maintained a portfolio of over 60 AI tools and ML pipelines which serve as a foundational platform, allowing us to on-ramp new solutions quickly with less project uncertainty, data bottlenecks, or other AI gremlins.

Trillium Applied’s
research formats.

If you are interested in Trillium’s Applied AI research formats, read our brochure.

AI as a Resilience Technology

We are seeing that AI paired with Earth Observation capabilities are becoming a powerful toolbox for adapting to a changing situational context.

Getting started

A 101 on what’s possible for your organization

Turning ‘what-ifs’ into opportunities

Interdisciplinary project definition 

Understanding AI and your ecosystem

Work with us to create and deploy trailblazing applied AI


Challenge definition and Solution space discovery.


AI Pipeline Defintion and Development


Live AI Services


Knowledge Transfer and Training

Targeting your
actual problem

We’ve learned how to produce cutting-edge AI outcomes that target the actual nugget of the problem and do it quickly without scope drift, junkets, lock-in, alpha-geeks, black-boxes, betamaxing, bloatware or boondoggles. 

Trillium Applied’s problem definition approach blends the best of design thinking and concurrent design methods, which places emphasis on stakeholder partnership, interdisciplinarity, rapid prototyping (with users) and systems thinking to ensure precision problem scoping and AI solutions that are fit-for-purpose, explainable and reproducible within your organisation.

Trillium Applied’s
research formats.

If you are interested in Trillium’s Applied AI research formats, read more in our brochure.

Applied AI Capabilities

Case Studies

Our Partners

Engaging Trillium Applied 

Running an applied research and deployment project with Trillium is best viewed as a stack of gated projects; each project ‘gate’ is a discrete deliverable in itself designed to provide maximum value to you and the opportunity to learn together as our understanding of the project unfolds. 

Each project begins with a Technical Feasibility Assessment (TFA) which is a short 2-day project to assess if the project / problem is suitable for an AI approach. 

Trillium works in a collaborative way, working closely with embedded client and partner teams to ensure maximum provision of prior context and insight as well as facilitate seamless capacity exchange - a key requirement for project handover. 

Let’s set up a commitment-free discovery call.